PKeZLlE;;!/usr/bin/env python3 """Command-line tool to manage CPython Misc/NEWS.d entries.""" __version__ = "1.0.7" ## ## blurb version 1.0 ## Part of the blurb package. ## Copyright 2015-2018 by Larry Hastings ## ## Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without ## modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are ## met: ## ## 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright ## notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. ## ## 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright ## notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the ## documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. ## ## 3. Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its ## contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from ## this software without specific prior written permission. ## ## THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS ## IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED ## TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A ## PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT ## HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, ## SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED ## TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR ## PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF ## LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING ## NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS ## SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. ## ## ## Licensed to the Python Software Foundation under a contributor agreement. ## # TODO # # automatic git adds and removes import atexit import base64 import builtins from collections import OrderedDict import glob import hashlib import inspect import itertools import math import os import re import shlex import shutil import subprocess import sys import tempfile import textwrap import time import types import unittest import uuid # # This template is the canonical list of acceptable section names! # It's parsed internally into the "sections" set. # template = """ # # Please enter the relevant issue number here: # .. bpo: # # Uncomment one of these "section:" lines to specify which section # this entry should go in in Misc/NEWS. # #.. section: Security #.. section: Core and Builtins #.. section: Library #.. section: Documentation #.. section: Tests #.. section: Build #.. section: Windows #.. section: macOS #.. section: IDLE #.. section: Tools/Demos #.. section: C API # Write your Misc/NEWS entry below. It should be a simple ReST paragraph. # Don't start with "- Issue #: " or "- bpo-: " or that sort of stuff. ########################################################################### """.lstrip() root = None original_dir = None sections = [] for line in template.split('\n'): line = line.strip() prefix, found, section = line.partition("#.. section: ") if found and not prefix: sections.append(section.strip()) def sanitize_section(section): """ Cleans up a section string, making it viable as a directory name. """ return section.replace("/", "-") _unsanitize_section = { "Tools-Demos": "Tools/Demos", } def unsanitize_section(section): return _unsanitize_section.get(section, section) def textwrap_body(body, *, subsequent_indent=''): """ Accepts either a string or an iterable of strings. (Iterable is assumed to be individual lines.) Returns a string. """ if isinstance(body, str): text = body else: text = "\n".join(body).rstrip() # textwrap merges paragraphs, ARGH # step 1: remove trailing whitespace from individual lines # (this means that empty lines will just have \n, no invisible whitespace) lines = [] for line in text.split("\n"): lines.append(line.rstrip()) text = "\n".join(lines) # step 2: break into paragraphs and wrap those paragraphs = text.split("\n\n") paragraphs2 = [] kwargs = {'break_long_words': False, 'break_on_hyphens': False} if subsequent_indent: kwargs['subsequent_indent'] = subsequent_indent dont_reflow = False for paragraph in paragraphs: # don't reflow bulleted / numbered lists dont_reflow = dont_reflow or paragraph.startswith(("* ", "1. ", "#. ")) if dont_reflow: initial = kwargs.get("initial_indent", "") subsequent = kwargs.get("subsequent_indent", "") if initial or subsequent: lines = [line.rstrip() for line in paragraph.split("\n")] indents = itertools.chain( itertools.repeat(initial, 1), itertools.repeat(subsequent), ) lines = [indent + line for indent, line in zip(indents, lines)] paragraph = "\n".join(lines) paragraphs2.append(paragraph) else: # Why do we reflow the text twice? Because it can actually change # between the first and second reflows, and we want the text to # be stable. The problem is that textwrap.wrap is deliberately # dumb about how many spaces follow a period in prose. # # We're reflowing at 76 columns, but let's pretend it's 30 for # illustration purposes. If we give textwrap.wrap the following # text--ignore the line of 30 dashes, that's just to help you # with visualization: # # ------------------------------ # xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx. xxxx # # The first textwrap.wrap will return this: # "xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx.\nxxxx" # # If we reflow it again, textwrap will rejoin the lines, but # only with one space after the period! So this time it'll # all fit on one line, behold: # ------------------------------ # xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx. xxxx # and so it now returns: # "xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx. xxxx" # # textwrap.wrap supports trying to add two spaces after a peroid: # # But it doesn't work all that well, because it's not smart enough # to do a really good job. # # Since blurbs are eventually turned into ReST and rendered anyway, # and since the Zen says "In the face of ambiguity, refuse the # temptation to guess", I don't sweat it. I run textwrap.wrap # twice, so it's stable, and this means occasionally it'll # convert two spaces to one space, no big deal. paragraph = "\n".join(textwrap.wrap(paragraph.strip(), width=76, **kwargs)).rstrip() paragraph = "\n".join(textwrap.wrap(paragraph.strip(), width=76, **kwargs)).rstrip() paragraphs2.append(paragraph) # don't reflow literal code blocks (I hope) dont_reflow = paragraph.endswith("::") if subsequent_indent: kwargs['initial_indent'] = subsequent_indent text = "\n\n".join(paragraphs2).rstrip() if not text.endswith("\n"): text += "\n" return text def current_date(): return time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d", time.localtime()) def sortable_datetime(): return time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S", time.localtime()) def prompt(prompt): return input("[{}> ".format(prompt)) def require_ok(prompt): prompt = "[{}> ".format(prompt) while True: s = input(prompt).strip() if s == 'ok': return s class pushd: def __init__(self, path): self.path = path def __enter__(self): self.previous_cwd = os.getcwd() os.chdir(self.path) def __exit__(self, *args): os.chdir(self.previous_cwd) def safe_mkdir(path): if not os.path.exists(path): os.makedirs(path) def which(cmd, path="PATH"): """Find cmd on PATH.""" if os.path.exists(cmd): return cmd if cmd[0] == '/': return None for segment in os.getenv(path).split(":"): program = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(segment, cmd)) if os.path.exists(program): return program return None def strip_whitespace_lines(lines): # strip from head while lines: if lines[0]: break lines.pop(0) # strip from tail while lines: if lines[-1]: return lines.pop() def longest_line(lines): longest = 0 for line in lines: longest = max(longest, len(line)) return longest def version_key(element): fields = list(element.split(".")) if len(fields) == 1: return element # in sorted order, # 3.5.0a1 < 3.5.0b1 < 3.5.0rc1 < 3.5.0 # so for sorting purposes we transform # "3.5." and "3.5.0" into "3.5.0zz0" last = fields.pop() for s in ("a", "b", "rc"): if s in last: last, stage, stage_version = last.partition(s) break else: stage = 'zz' stage_version = "0" fields.append(last) while len(fields) < 3: fields.append("0") fields.extend([stage, stage_version]) fields = [s.rjust(6, "0") for s in fields] return ".".join(fields) def nonceify(body): digest = hashlib.md5(body.encode("utf-8")).digest() return base64.urlsafe_b64encode(digest)[0:6].decode('ascii') def glob_versions(): with pushd("Misc/NEWS.d"): versions = [] for wildcard in ("2.*.rst", "3.*.rst", "next"): files = [x.partition(".rst")[0] for x in glob.glob(wildcard)] versions.extend(files) xform = [version_key(x) for x in versions] xform.sort(reverse=True) versions = sorted(versions, key=version_key, reverse=True) return versions def glob_blurbs(version): filenames = [] base = os.path.join("Misc", "NEWS.d", version) if version != "next": wildcard = base + ".rst" filenames.extend(glob.glob(wildcard)) else: for section in sections: wildcard = os.path.join(base, sanitize_section(section), "*.rst") entries = glob.glob(wildcard) entries.sort(reverse=True) deletables = [x for x in entries if x.endswith("/README.rst")] for filename in deletables: entries.remove(filename) filenames.extend(entries) return filenames def printable_version(version): if version == "next": return version if "a" in version: return version.replace("a", " alpha ") if "b" in version: return version.replace("b", " beta ") if "rc" in version: return version.replace("rc", " release candidate ") return version + " final" class BlurbError(RuntimeError): pass """ The format of a blurb file: ENTRY [ENTRY2 ENTRY3 ...] In other words, you may have one or more ENTRYs (entries) in a blurb file. The format of an ENTRY: METADATA BODY The METADATA section is optional. The BODY section is mandatory and must be non-empty. Format of the METADATA section: * Lines starting with ".." are metadata lines of the format: .. name: value * Lines starting with "#" are comments: # comment line * Empty and whitespace-only lines are ignored. * Trailing whitespace is removed. Leading whitespace is not removed or ignored. The first nonblank line that doesn't start with ".." or "#" automatically terminates the METADATA section and is the first line of the BODY. Format of the BODY section: * The BODY section should be a single paragraph of English text in ReST format. It should not use the following ReST markup features: * section headers * comments * directives, citations, or footnotes * Any features that require significant line breaks, like lists, definition lists, quoted paragraphs, line blocks, literal code blocks, and tables. Note that this is not (currently) enforced. * Trailing whitespace is stripped. Leading whitespace is preserved. * Empty lines between non-empty lines are preserved. Trailing empty lines are stripped. * The BODY mustn't start with "Issue #", "bpo-", or "- ". (This formatting will be inserted when rendering the final output.) * Lines longer than 76 characters will be wordwrapped. * In the final output, the first line will have "- bpo-: " inserted at the front, and subsequent lines will have two spaces inserted at the front. To terminate an ENTRY, specify a line containing only "..". End of file also terminates the last ENTRY. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- The format of a "next" file is exactly the same, except that we're storing four pieces of metadata in the filename instead of in the metadata section. Those four pieces of metadata are: section, bpo, date, and nonce. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- In addition to the four conventional metadata (section, bpo, date, and nonce), there are two additional metadata used per-version: "release date" and "no changes". These may only be present in the metadata block in the *first* blurb in a blurb file. * "release date" is the day a particular version of Python was released. * "no changes", if present, notes that there were no actual changes for this version. When used, there are two more things that must be true about the the blurb file: * There should only be one entry inside the blurb file. * That entry's bpo number must be 0. """ class Blurbs(list): def parse(self, text, *, metadata=None, filename="input"): """ Parses a string. Appends a list of blurb ENTRIES to self, as tuples: (metadata, body) metadata is a dict. body is a string. """ metadata = metadata or {} body = [] in_metadata = True line_number = None def throw(s): raise BlurbError("Error in {}:{}:\n{}".format(filename, line_number, s)) def finish_entry(): nonlocal body nonlocal in_metadata nonlocal metadata nonlocal self if not body: throw("Blurb 'body' text must not be empty!") text = textwrap_body(body) for naughty_prefix in ("- ", "Issue #", "bpo-"): if text.startswith(naughty_prefix): throw("Blurb 'body' can't start with " + repr(naughty_prefix) + "!") no_changes = metadata.get('no changes') section = metadata.get('section') if not no_changes: if not section: throw("No 'section' specified. You must provide one!") elif section not in sections: throw("Invalid 'section'! You must use one of the predefined sections.") bpo = None try: bpo = int(metadata.get('bpo')) except (TypeError, ValueError): throw("Invalid bpo issue number! (" + repr(bpo) + ")") self.append((metadata, text)) metadata = {} body = [] in_metadata = True for line_number, line in enumerate(text.split("\n")): line = line.rstrip() if in_metadata: if line.startswith('..'): line = line[2:].strip() name, colon, value = line.partition(":") assert colon name = name.strip() value = value.strip() if name in metadata: throw("Blurb metadata sets " + repr(name) + " twice!") metadata[name] = value continue if line.startswith("#") or not line: continue in_metadata = False if line == "..": finish_entry() continue body.append(line) finish_entry() def load(self, filename, *, metadata=None): """ Read a blurb file. Broadly equivalent to blurb.parse(open(filename).read()). """ with open(filename, "rt", encoding="utf-8") as f: text = self.parse(text, metadata=metadata, filename=filename) def __str__(self): output = [] add = output.append add_separator = False for metadata, body in self: if add_separator: add("\n..\n\n") else: add_separator = True if metadata: for name, value in sorted(metadata.items()): add(".. {}: {}\n".format(name, value)) add("\n") add(textwrap_body(body)) return "".join(output) def save(self, path): dirname = os.path.dirname(path) safe_mkdir(dirname) text = str(self) with open(path, "wt", encoding="utf-8") as f: f.write(text) @staticmethod def _parse_next_filename(filename): """ Parses a "next" filename into its equivalent blurb metadata. Returns a dict. """ components = filename.split(os.sep) section, filename = components[-2:] section = unsanitize_section(section) assert section in sections, "Unknown section {}".format(section) fields = [x.strip() for x in filename.split(".")] assert len(fields) >= 4, "Can't parse 'next' filename! filename {!r} fields {}".format(filename, fields) assert fields[-1] == "rst" metadata = {"date": fields[0], "nonce": fields[-2], "section": section} for field in fields[1:-2]: for name in ("bpo",): _, got, value = field.partition(name + "-") if got: metadata[name] = value.strip() break else: assert False, "Found unparsable field in 'next' filename: " + repr(field) return metadata def load_next(self, filename): metadata = self._parse_next_filename(filename) o = type(self)() o.load(filename, metadata=metadata) assert len(o) == 1 self.extend(o) def ensure_metadata(self): metadata, body = self[-1] assert 'section' in metadata for name, default in ( ("bpo", "0"), ("date", sortable_datetime()), ("nonce", nonceify(body)), ): if name not in metadata: metadata[name] = default def _extract_next_filename(self): """ changes metadata! """ self.ensure_metadata() metadata, body = self[-1] metadata['section'] = sanitize_section(metadata['section']) metadata['root'] = root path = "{root}/Misc/NEWS.d/next/{section}/{date}.bpo-{bpo}.{nonce}.rst".format_map(metadata) for name in "root section date bpo nonce".split(): del metadata[name] return path def save_next(self): assert len(self) == 1 blurb = type(self)() metadata, body = self[0] metadata = dict(metadata) blurb.append((metadata, body)) filename = blurb._extract_next_filename() return filename def save_split_next(self): """ Save out blurbs created from "blurb split". They don't have dates, so we have to get creative. """ filenames = [] # the "date" MUST have a leading zero. # this ensures these files sort after all # newly created blurbs. width = int(math.ceil(math.log(len(self), 10))) + 1 i = 1 blurb = Blurbs() while self: metadata, body = self.pop() metadata['date'] = str(i).rjust(width, '0') if 'release date' in metadata: del metadata['release date'] blurb.append((metadata, body)) filename = blurb._extract_next_filename() blurb.clear() filenames.append(filename) i += 1 return filenames tests_run = 0 class TestParserPasses(unittest.TestCase): directory = "blurb/tests/pass" def filename_test(self, filename): b = Blurbs() b.load(filename) self.assertTrue(b) if os.path.exists(filename + '.res'): with open(filename + '.res', encoding='utf-8') as f: expected = self.assertEqual(str(b), expected) def test_files(self): global tests_run with pushd( for filename in glob.glob("*"): if filename[-4:] == '.res': self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(filename[:-4]), filename) continue self.filename_test(filename) print(".", end="") sys.stdout.flush() tests_run += 1 class TestParserFailures(TestParserPasses): directory = "blurb/tests/fail" def filename_test(self, filename): b = Blurbs() with self.assertRaises(Exception): def run(s): process =, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) process.check_returncode() return process.stdout.decode('ascii') readme_re = re.compile(r"This is Python version [23]\.\d").match def chdir_to_repo_root(): global root # find the root of the local CPython repo # note that we can't ask git, because we might # be in an exported directory tree! # we intentionally start in a (probably nonexistant) subtree # the first thing the while loop does is .., basically path = os.path.abspath("garglemox") while True: next_path = os.path.dirname(path) if next_path == path: sys.exit('You\'re not inside a CPython repo right now!') path = next_path os.chdir(path) def test_first_line(filename, test): if not os.path.exists(filename): return False with open(filename, "rt") as f: lines ='\n') if not (lines and test(lines[0])): return False return True if not (test_first_line("README", readme_re) or test_first_line("README.rst", readme_re)): continue if not test_first_line("LICENSE", "A. HISTORY OF THE SOFTWARE".__eq__): continue if not os.path.exists("Include/Python.h"): continue if not os.path.exists("Python/ceval.c"): continue break root = path return root def error(*a): s = " ".join(str(x) for x in a) sys.exit("Error: " + s) subcommands = {} def subcommand(fn): global subcommands name = fn.__name__ subcommands[name] = fn return fn def get_subcommand(subcommand): fn = subcommands.get(subcommand) if not fn: error("Unknown subcommand: {}\nRun 'blurb help' for help.".format(subcommand)) return fn @subcommand def help(subcommand=None): """ Print help for subcommands. Prints the help text for the specified subcommand. If subcommand is not specified, prints one-line summaries for every command. """ if not subcommand: print("blurb version", __version__) print() print("Management tool for CPython Misc/NEWS and Misc/NEWS.d entries.") print() print("Usage:") print(" blurb [subcommand] [options...]") print() # print list of subcommands summaries = [] longest_name_len = -1 for name, fn in subcommands.items(): if name.startswith('-'): continue longest_name_len = max(longest_name_len, len(name)) if not fn.__doc__: error("help is broken, no docstring for " + fn.__name__) fields = fn.__doc__.lstrip().split("\n") if not fields: first_line = "(no help available)" else: first_line = fields[0] summaries.append((name, first_line)) summaries.sort() print("Available subcommands:") print() for name, summary in summaries: print(" ", name.ljust(longest_name_len), " ", summary) print() print("If blurb is run without any arguments, this is equivalent to 'blurb add'.") sys.exit(0) fn = get_subcommand(subcommand) doc = fn.__doc__.strip() if not doc: error("help is broken, no docstring for " + subcommand) options = [] positionals = [] nesting = 0 for name, p in inspect.signature(fn).parameters.items(): if p.kind == inspect.Parameter.KEYWORD_ONLY: short_option = name[0] options.append(" [-{}|--{}]".format(short_option, name)) elif p.kind == inspect.Parameter.POSITIONAL_OR_KEYWORD: positionals.append(" ") has_default = (p.default != inspect._empty) if has_default: positionals.append("[") nesting += 1 positionals.append("<{}>".format(name)) positionals.append("]" * nesting) parameters = "".join(options + positionals) print("blurb {}{}".format(subcommand, parameters)) print() print(doc) sys.exit(0) # Make "blurb --help" work. subcommands["--help"] = help @subcommand def test(*args): """ Run unit tests. Only works inside source repo, not when installed. """ # unittest.main doesn't work because this isn't a module # so we'll do it ourselves print("-" * 79) for clsname, cls in sorted(globals().items()): if clsname.startswith("Test") and isinstance(cls, type): o = cls() for fnname in sorted(dir(o)): if fnname.startswith("test"): fn = getattr(o, fnname) if callable(fn): fn() print() print(tests_run, "tests passed.") def find_editor(): for var in 'GIT_EDITOR', 'EDITOR': editor = os.environ.get(var) if editor is not None: return editor if sys.platform == 'win32': fallbacks = ['notepad.exe'] else: fallbacks = ['/etc/alternatives/editor', 'nano'] for fallback in fallbacks: if os.path.isabs(fallback): found_path = fallback else: found_path = shutil.which(fallback) if found_path and os.path.exists(found_path): return found_path error('Could not find an editor! Set the EDITOR environment variable.') @subcommand def add(): """ Add a blurb (a Misc/NEWS entry) to the current CPython repo. """ editor = find_editor() handle, tmp_path = tempfile.mkstemp(".rst") os.close(handle) atexit.register(lambda : os.unlink(tmp_path)) def init_tmp_with_template(): with open(tmp_path, "wt", encoding="utf-8") as f: # hack: # my editor likes to strip trailing whitespace from lines. # normally this is a good idea. but in the case of the template # it's unhelpful. # so, manually ensure there's a space at the end of the bpo line. text = template bpo_line = ".. bpo:" without_space = "\n" + bpo_line + "\n" with_space = "\n" + bpo_line + " \n" if without_space not in text: sys.exit("Can't find BPO line to ensure there's a space on the end!") text = text.replace(without_space, with_space) f.write(text) init_tmp_with_template() # We need to be clever about EDITOR. # On the one hand, it might be a legitimate path to an # executable containing spaces. # On the other hand, it might be a partial command-line # with options. if shutil.which(editor): args = [editor] else: args = list(shlex.split(editor)) if not shutil.which(args[0]): sys.exit("Invalid GIT_EDITOR / EDITOR value: {}".format(editor)) args.append(tmp_path) while True: failure = None blurb = Blurbs() try: blurb.load(tmp_path) except BlurbError as e: failure = str(e) if not failure: assert len(blurb) # if parse_blurb succeeds, we should always have a body if len(blurb) > 1: failure = "Too many entries! Don't specify '..' on a line by itself." if failure: print() print("Error: {}".format(failure)) print() try: prompt("Hit return to retry (or Ctrl-C to abort)") except KeyboardInterrupt: print() return print() continue break path = blurb.save_next() git_add_files.append(path) flush_git_add_files() print("Ready for commit.") @subcommand def release(version): """ Move all new blurbs to a single blurb file for the release. This is used by the release manager when cutting a new release. """ if version == ".": # harvest version number from dirname of repo # I remind you, we're in the Misc subdir right now version = os.path.basename(root) existing_filenames = glob_blurbs(version) if existing_filenames: error("Sorry, can't handle appending 'next' files to an existing version (yet).") output = "Misc/NEWS.d/{}.rst".format(version) filenames = glob_blurbs("next") blurbs = Blurbs() date = current_date() if not filenames: print("No blurbs found. Setting {} as having no changes.".format(version)) body = "There were no new changes in version {}.\n".format(version) metadata = {"no changes": "True", "bpo": "0", "section": "Library", "date": date, "nonce": nonceify(body)} blurbs.append((metadata, body)) else: no_changes = None count = len(filenames) print('Merging {} blurbs to "{}".'.format(count, output)) for filename in filenames: if not filename.endswith(".rst"): continue blurbs.load_next(filename) metadata = blurbs[0][0] metadata['release date'] = date print("Saving.") git_add_files.append(output) flush_git_add_files() print("Removing {} 'next' files from git.".format(len(filenames))) git_rm_files.extend(filenames) flush_git_rm_files() # sanity check: ensuring that saving/reloading the merged blurb file works. blurbs2 = Blurbs() blurbs2.load(output) assert blurbs2 == blurbs, "Reloading {} isn't reproducible?!".format(output) print() print("Ready for commit.") @subcommand def merge(output=None, *, forced=False): """ Merge all blurbs together into a single Misc/NEWS file. Optional output argument specifies where to write to. Default is /Misc/NEWS. If overwriting, blurb merge will prompt you to make sure it's okay. To force it to overwrite, use -f. """ if output: output = os.path.join(original_dir, output) else: output = "Misc/NEWS" versions = glob_versions() if not versions: sys.exit("You literally don't have ANY blurbs to merge together!") if os.path.exists(output) and not forced: builtins.print("You already have a", repr(output), "file.") require_ok("Type ok to overwrite") news = open(output, "wt", encoding="utf-8") def print(*a, sep=" "): s = sep.join(str(x) for x in a) return builtins.print(s, file=news) print (""" +++++++++++ Python News +++++++++++ """.strip()) for version in versions: filenames = glob_blurbs(version) blurbs = Blurbs() if version == "next": for filename in filenames: if os.path.basename(filename) == "README.rst": continue blurbs.load_next(filename) if not blurbs: continue metadata = blurbs[0][0] metadata['release date'] = "XXXX-XX-XX" else: assert len(filenames) == 1 blurbs.load(filenames[0]) header = "What's New in Python " + printable_version(version) + "?" print() print(header) print("=" * len(header)) print() metadata, body = blurbs[0] release_date = metadata["release date"] print("*Release date: {}*".format(release_date)) print() if "no changes" in metadata: print(body) print() continue last_section = None for metadata, body in blurbs: section = metadata['section'] if last_section != section: last_section = section print(section) print("-" * len(section)) print() bpo = metadata['bpo'] if int(bpo): body = "bpo-" + bpo + ": " + body body = "- " + body text = textwrap_body(body, subsequent_indent=' ') print(text) print() print("**(For information about older versions, consult the HISTORY file.)**") news.close() git_add_files = [] def flush_git_add_files(): if git_add_files:["git", "add", "-f", *git_add_files], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE).check_returncode() git_add_files.clear() git_rm_files = [] def flush_git_rm_files(): if git_rm_files: try:["git", "rm", "-f", *git_rm_files], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE).check_returncode() except subprocess.CalledProcessError: pass # clean up for path in git_rm_files: try: os.unlink(path) except FileNotFoundError: pass git_rm_files.clear() # @subcommand # def noop(): # "Do-nothing command. Used for blurb smoke-testing." # pass @subcommand def populate(): """ Creates and populates the Misc/NEWS.d directory tree. """ os.chdir("Misc") safe_mkdir("NEWS.d/next") for section in sections: dir_name = sanitize_section(section) dir_path = "NEWS.d/next/{}".format(dir_name) safe_mkdir(dir_path) readme_path = "NEWS.d/next/{}/README.rst".format(dir_name) with open(readme_path, "wt", encoding="utf-8") as f: f.write("Put news entry ``blurb`` files for the *{}* section in this directory.\n".format(section)) git_add_files.append(dir_path) git_add_files.append(readme_path) flush_git_add_files() @subcommand def export(): """ Removes blurb data files, for building release tarballs/installers. """ os.chdir("Misc") shutil.rmtree("NEWS.d", ignore_errors=True) # @subcommand # def arg(*, boolean=False, option=True): # """ # Test function for blurb command-line processing. # """ # print("arg: boolean {} option {}".format(boolean, option)) @subcommand def split(*, released=False): """ Split the current Misc/NEWS into a zillion little blurb files. Assumes that the newest version section in Misc/NEWS is under development, and splits those entries into the "next" subdirectory. If the current version has actually been released, use the --released flag. Also runs "blurb populate" for you. """ # note: populate also does chdir $python_root/Misc for you populate() if not os.path.isfile("NEWS"): error("You don't have a Misc/NEWS file!") def global_sections(): global sections return sections sections = set(global_sections()) release_date_marker = "Release date:" whats_new_marker = "What's New in Python " blurbs = Blurbs() accumulator = [] bpo = "0" serial_number = 9999 version = None release_date = None section = None see_also = None no_changes = None security = None blurb_count = 0 version_count = 0 def flush_blurb(): nonlocal accumulator nonlocal serial_number nonlocal bpo nonlocal release_date nonlocal see_also nonlocal no_changes nonlocal blurb_count nonlocal security if accumulator: if version: # strip trailing blank lines while accumulator: line = accumulator.pop() if not line.rstrip(): continue accumulator.append(line) break if see_also: fields = [] see_also = see_also.replace(" and ", ",") for field in see_also.split(","): field = field.strip() if not field: continue if field.startswith("and "): field = field[5:].lstrip() if field.lower().startswith("issue"): field = field[5:].strip() if field.startswith("#"): field = field[1:] try: int(field) field = "bpo-" + field except ValueError: pass fields.append(field) see_also = ", ".join(fields) # print("see_also: ", repr(see_also)) accumulator.append("(See also: {})".format(see_also)) see_also = None if not accumulator: return if not (section or no_changes): error("No section for line " + str(line_number) + "!") body = "\n".join(accumulator) + "\n" metadata = {} metadata["bpo"] = bpo metadata["date"] = str(serial_number) if section: metadata["section"] = section else: assert no_changes metadata["nonce"] = nonceify(body) if security: # retroactively change section to "Security" assert section metadata["original section"] = metadata["section"] metadata["section"] = "Security" if release_date is not None: assert not len(blurbs) metadata["release date"] = release_date release_date = None if no_changes is not None: assert not len(blurbs) metadata["no changes"] = "True" no_changes = None blurbs.append((metadata, body)) blurb_count += 1 bpo = "0" serial_number -= 1 accumulator.clear() def flush_version(): global git_add_files nonlocal released nonlocal version_count flush_blurb() if version is None: assert not blurbs, "version should only be None initially, we shouldn't have blurbs yet" return assert blurbs, "No blurbs defined when flushing version {}!".format(version) output = "NEWS.d/{}.rst".format(version) if released: # saving merged blurb file for version, e.g. Misc/NEWS.d/3.7.0a1.rst git_add_files.append(output) else: # saving a million old-school blurb next files # with serial numbers instead of dates # e.g. Misc/NEWS.d/next/IDLE/094.bpo-25514.882pXa.rst filenames = blurbs.save_split_next() git_add_files.extend(filenames) released = True blurbs.clear() version_count += 1 with open("NEWS", "rt", encoding="utf-8") as f: for line_number, line in enumerate(f): line = line.rstrip() if line.startswith("\ufeff"): line = line[1:] # clean the slightly dirty data: # 1. inconsistent names for sections, etc for old, new in ( ("C-API", "C API"), ("Core and builtins", "Core and Builtins"), ("Tools", "Tools/Demos"), ("Tools / Demos", "Tools/Demos"), ("Misc", "Windows"), # only used twice, both were really Windows ("Mac", "macOS"), ("Mac OS X", "macOS"), ("Extension Modules", "Library"), ("Whats' New in Python 2.7.6?", "What's New in Python 2.7.6?"), ): if line == old: line = new # 2. unusual indenting _line = line.lstrip() if _line.startswith(("- Issue #", "- bpo-")): line = _line if _line == ".characters() and ignorableWhitespace() methods. Original patch by Sebastian": line = " " + line # 3. fix version for What's New if line.startswith(whats_new_marker): flush_version() version = line[len(whats_new_marker):].strip().lower() for old, new in ( ("?", ""), (" alpha ", "a"), (" beta ", "b"), (" release candidate ", "rc"), (" final", ""), ("3.5a", "3.5.0a"), ): version = version.replace(old, new) section = None continue # 3.a. fix specific precious little snowflakes # who can't be bothered to follow our stifling style conventions # and like, did their own *thing*, man. if line.startswith("- Issue #27181 remove statistics.geometric_mean"): line = line.replace(" remove", ": remove") elif line.startswith("* bpo-30357: test_thread: setUp()"): line = line.replace("* bpo-30357", "- bpo-30357") elif line.startswith("- Issue #25262. Added support for BINBYTES8"): line = line.replace("#25262.", "#25262:") elif line.startswith("- Issue #21032. Fixed socket leak if"): line = line.replace("#21032.", "#21032:") elif line.startswith("- Issue ##665194: Update "): line = line.replace("##665194", "#665194") elif line.startswith("- Issue #13449"): line = line.replace("#13449 sched", "#13449: sched") elif line.startswith("- Issue #8684 sched.scheduler class"): line = line.replace("#8684 sched", "#8684: sched") elif line.startswith(" bpo-29243: Prevent unnecessary rebuilding"): line = line.replace(" bpo-29243:", "- bpo-29243:") elif line.startswith(( "- Issue #11603 (again): Setting", "- Issue #15801 (again): With string", )): line = line.replace(" (again):", ":") elif line.startswith("- Issue #1665206 (partially): "): line = line.replace(" (partially):", ":") elif line.startswith("- Issue #2885 (partial): The"): line = line.replace(" (partial):", ":") elif line.startswith("- Issue #2885 (partial): The"): line = line.replace(" (partial):", ":") elif line.startswith("- Issue #1797 (partial fix):"): line = line.replace(" (partial fix):", ":") elif line.startswith("- Issue #5828 (Invalid behavior of unicode.lower): Fixed bogus logic in"): line = line.replace(" (Invalid behavior of unicode.lower):", ":") elif line.startswith("- Issue #4512 (part 2): Promote ``ZipImporter._get_filename()`` to be a public"): line = line.replace(" (part 2):", ":") elif line.startswith("- Revert bpo-26293 for zipfile breakage. See also bpo-29094."): line = "- bpo-26293, bpo-29094: Change resulted because of zipfile breakage." elif line.startswith("- Revert a37cc3d926ec (Issue #5322)."): line = "- Issue #5322: Revert a37cc3d926ec." elif line.startswith("- Patch #1970 by Antoine Pitrou: Speedup unicode whitespace and"): line = "- Issue #1970: Speedup unicode whitespace and" elif line.startswith(" linebreak detection"): line = " linebreak detection. (Patch by Antoine Pitrou.)" elif line.startswith("- Patch #1182394 from Shane Holloway: speed up HMAC.hexdigest."): line = "- Issue #1182394: Speed up ``HMAC.hexdigest``. (Patch by Shane Holloway.)" elif line.startswith("- Variant of patch #697613: don't exit the interpreter on a SystemExit"): line = "- Issue #697613: Don't exit the interpreter on a SystemExit" elif line.startswith("- Bugs #1668596/#1720897: distutils now copies data files even if"): line = "- Issue #1668596, #1720897: distutils now copies data files even if" elif line.startswith("- Reverted patch #1504333 to sgmllib because it introduced an infinite"): line = "- Issue #1504333: Reverted change to sgmllib because it introduced an infinite" elif line.startswith("- PEP 465 and Issue #21176: Add the '@' operator for matrix multiplication."): line = "- Issue #21176: PEP 465: Add the '@' operator for matrix multiplication." elif line.startswith("- Issue: #15138: base64.urlsafe_{en,de}code() are now 3-4x faster."): line = "- Issue #15138: base64.urlsafe_{en,de}code() are now 3-4x faster." elif line.startswith("- Issue #9516: Issue #9516: avoid errors in sysconfig when MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET"): line = "- Issue #9516 and Issue #9516: avoid errors in sysconfig when MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET" elif line.title().startswith(("- Request #", "- Bug #", "- Patch #", "- Patches #")): # print("FIXING LINE {}: {!r}".format(line_number), line) line = "- Issue #" + line.partition('#')[2] # print("FIXED LINE {!r}".format(line)) # else: # print("NOT FIXING LINE {}: {!r}".format(line_number, line)) # 4. determine the actual content of the line # 4.1 section declaration if line in sections: flush_blurb() section = line continue # 4.2 heading ReST marker if line.startswith(( "===", "---", "---", "+++", "Python News", "**(For information about older versions, consult the HISTORY file.)**", )): continue # 4.3 version release date declaration if line.startswith(release_date_marker) or ( line.startswith("*") and release_date_marker in line): while line.startswith("*"): line = line[1:] while line.endswith("*"): line = line[:-1] release_date = line[len(release_date_marker):].strip() continue # 4.4 no changes declaration if line.strip() in ( '- No changes since release candidate 2', 'No changes from release candidate 2.', 'There were no code changes between 3.5.3rc1 and 3.5.3 final.', 'There were no changes between 3.4.6rc1 and 3.4.6 final.', ): no_changes = True if line.startswith("- "): line = line[2:] accumulator.append(line) continue # 4.5 start of new blurb if line.startswith("- "): flush_blurb() line = line[2:] security = line.startswith("[Security]") if security: line = line[10:].lstrip() if line.startswith("Issue"): line = line[5:].lstrip() if line.startswith("s"): line = line[1:] line = line.lstrip() if line.startswith("#"): line = line[1:].lstrip() parse_bpo = True elif line.startswith("bpo-"): line = line[4:] parse_bpo = True else: # print("[[{:8} no bpo]] {}".format(line_number, line)) parse_bpo = False if parse_bpo: # GAAAH if line == "17500, and Remove": line = "Remove" bpo = "17500" see_also = "" else: bpo, colon, line = line.partition(":") line = line.lstrip() bpo, comma, see_also = bpo.partition(",") if comma: see_also = see_also.strip() # if it's just an integer, add bpo- to the front try: int(see_also) see_also = "bpo-" + see_also except ValueError: pass else: # - Issue #21529 (CVE-2014-4616) bpo, space_paren, see_also = bpo.partition(" (") if space_paren: see_also = see_also.rstrip(")") else: # - Issue #19544 and Issue #1180: bpo, space_and, see_also = bpo.partition(" and ") if not space_and: bpo, space_and, see_also = bpo.partition(" & ") if space_and: see_also = see_also.replace("Issue #", "bpo-").strip() else: # - Issue #5258/#10642: if bpo, slash, see_also = bpo.partition("/") if space_and: see_also = see_also.replace("#", "bpo-").strip() try: int(bpo) # this will throw if it's not a legal int except ValueError: sys.exit("Couldn't convert bpo number to int on line {}! ".format(line_number) + repr(bpo)) if see_also == "partially": sys.exit("What the hell on line {}! ".format(line_number) + repr(bpo)) # 4.6.1 continuation of blurb elif line.startswith(" "): line = line[2:] # 4.6.2 continuation of blurb elif line.startswith(" * "): line = line[3:] elif line: sys.exit("Didn't recognize line {}! ".format(line_number) + repr(line)) # only add blank lines if we have an initial line in the accumulator if line or accumulator: accumulator.append(line) flush_version() assert git_add_files flush_git_add_files() git_rm_files.append("NEWS") flush_git_rm_files() print("Wrote {} news items across {} versions.".format(blurb_count, version_count)) print() print("Ready for commit.") def main(): global original_dir args = sys.argv[1:] if not args: args = ["add"] elif args[0] == "-h": # slight hack args[0] = "help" subcommand = args[0] args = args[1:] fn = get_subcommand(subcommand) # hack if fn in (test, help): sys.exit(fn(*args)) try: original_dir = os.getcwd() chdir_to_repo_root() # map keyword arguments to options # we only handle boolean options # and they must have default values short_options = {} long_options = {} kwargs = {} for name, p in inspect.signature(fn).parameters.items(): if p.kind == inspect.Parameter.KEYWORD_ONLY: assert isinstance(p.default, bool), "blurb command-line processing only handles boolean options" kwargs[name] = p.default short_options[name[0]] = name long_options[name] = name filtered_args = [] done_with_options = False def handle_option(s, dict): name = dict.get(s, None) if not name: sys.exit('blurb: Unknown option for {}: "{}"'.format(subcommand, s)) kwargs[name] = not kwargs[name] # print("short_options {} long_options {}".format(short_options, long_options)) for a in args: if done_with_options: filtered_args.append(a) continue if a.startswith('-'): if a == "--": done_with_options = True elif a.startswith("--"): handle_option(a[2:], long_options) else: for s in a[1:]: handle_option(s, short_options) continue filtered_args.append(a) sys.exit(fn(*filtered_args, **kwargs)) except TypeError as e: # almost certainly wrong number of arguments. # count arguments of function and print appropriate error message. specified = len(args) required = optional = 0 for p in inspect.signature(fn).parameters.values(): if p.default == inspect._empty: required += 1 else: optional += 1 total = required + optional if required <= specified <= total: # whoops, must be a real type error, reraise raise e how_many = "{} argument".format(specified) if specified != 1: how_many += "s" if total == 0: middle = "accepts no arguments" else: if total == required: middle = "requires" else: plural = "" if required == 1 else "s" middle = "requires at least {} argument{} and at most".format(required, plural) middle += " {} argument".format(total) if total != 1: middle += "s" print('Error: Wrong number of arguments!\n\nblurb {} {},\nand you specified {}.'.format(subcommand, middle, how_many)) print() print("usage: ", end="") help(subcommand) if __name__ == '__main__': main() PK!Hґ"$&blurb-1.0.7.dist-info/entry_points.txtN+I/N.,()J)-JVy\\PKZLM\[44!blurb-1.0.7.dist-info/LICENSE.txtblurb version 1.0 Part of the blurb package. Copyright 2015-2018 by Larry Hastings Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. 3. Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. Licensed to the Python Software Foundation under a contributor agreement. PK!HNOblurb-1.0.7.dist-info/WHEEL HM K-*ϳR03rOK-J,/RH,zd&Y)r$[)T&UrPK!H^<%blurb-1.0.7.dist-info/METADATAZMs6W<؞&e;xƑϕ]It7F$!Hz ͖86Is/ ҃޺v^ϳO1K~M/ϊitXsU^֨(<[οkG˳O_2[WטgK/ζv؍tY'+Jכ|MgCoY` o4>ϧ?eF7+ǹi죶 Fq07v}9|VeͿG,^eƗ3?w_tpv~kXso*SwceM[\/>_]w]׻,ſHO|ݶMSjv疓e>dYeElC=hmwԕ/;{v|Umt5q L9ϲogyɲOӧzCUm -y{R ̙ۨag/ ZMZaAm9 :P6tw@DH2o:9zXδ^Rk]^CN3}f[]箯LPaNvk[]9ٻ 2!uWaT6ӻF6z9h٩gBzlmX%Ƈ<).*LyBB a 99~˥^m]}ok^0>xqպ4lWGō__.U0jn b"ۦ9FT@h*R rlq4tHv(1@sE`r(;\t^>@HW!\TP*{DZX[Dم2LqրUvsed{-L!Y 0%dWRx|*d X7zL.t Jp_sPEc-B̅@yYQ(Ro5܈p"ُErV@ɺ [,\^RtD'aV+F8vme "2$s[!L5bhFYKiO!'e=ssWh;%?n7Mt.)쥑YU}L DBwЪyS+_{Ez]"%8&}xE:KXcoтf$Ci}R=3q^o#0nfxb~ȱ_ŗc4 $=XHJUk%TLeKm98)BP^,ㄱVBʏӎ]ojX idJM}V;r?尉.pfxYO멵 ))SBT2]W؊Cf-<$8m&_f 2xi҄Q49d{;W^fb8! saZS?FM9kAܩM%X_q)qPMI +SÌct8>3)5;ߵ0 8^H&D܌]Hd` ㊌6EU^:ޘOs 2n1v2#ácF3hlZTGIg]Yj/v*pY LyqHt|LFuY"sS "ƛ.۩p?QME`?|0+~O0*b#i!o6DOűp^X$*SW*i#ҧP(=!2GrιJP|& *DvNnΜ~&6Mힲt,Q%;!5vC3̲|P=d98u:lFz&y*ql&jZd5RN2&y&Kr^2$ e? <$7=txr ,8Fd/ bm[2t _e/;y@_YQj"nX8yUÓY@$=cdtȲ/ɓ.A6ē6 PkVJǹ%/nXg4Re8ɏdr%@/O8V jenzO meMmbW + iMMrI u;_IR9=x?B: 0 *Pz` n䖎^nuB}hwyMklhhc%tQkA3M72?e%OA1U qdKZyC{T4A0~͙ 5dS':L}b9r`hrj2Ї # qoC"{fu| }Fy; (. nM#Y\<6kPg/PKeZLlE;;blurb.pyPK!Hґ"$&ablurb-1.0.7.dist-info/entry_points.txtPKZLM\[44!blurb-1.0.7.dist-info/LICENSE.txtPK!HNO:blurb-1.0.7.dist-info/WHEELPK!H^<%blurb-1.0.7.dist-info/METADATAPK!H3 (blurb-1.0.7.dist-info/RECORDPK/